About Weird Vegetable Wednesdays

Name: Weird Vegetable Wednesdays.

Appearance: A collection of stories about my forays into the mysterious world of exotic vegetables.

Where do they eat it? Abu Dhabi, where I live and work. This city is a cultural melting pot, which means you’ll find all kinds of strange fruit and veg lurking in the supermarkets. It’s all a bit bewildering to someone who was born and raised in Britain, the natural habitat of the squishy, overcooked Brussel sprout, the canned marrowfat pea, and the rubbery savoy cabbage. It’s through these green-tinted lenses that you’ll be viewing my explorations into the treasure trove of culinary oddities available in UAE and beyond.

So, what does it taste like? Okay, this is getting weird now. Can a blog have a taste?

Preparation: Boil me, mash me, stick me in a stew.

Verdict: Let me know what you think of my blog or suggest vegetables for me to review in the comments section. Warning: trolls will be fed slices of raw bitter melon.


Disclaimer: I’m a good cook, but an amateur one, and this isn’t a serious food blog. I have a tiny kitchenette, equipped with two electric rings and a slow cooker. I don’t have a toaster, a microwave, or an oven. I’ll be using basic kitchen equipment and standard store cupboard ingredients to create these recipes, which means you should easily be able to recreate them at home, if you so wish. Which, after reading about some of my adventures, you may well prefer to avoid.

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